8 Impressive Health Benefits of the Wonder Fruit- Apples

 One of the most delicious fruits in the world, apples are easily available. They are the most widely eaten fruits worldwide. Commonly used in muffins, salads, smoothies, pies, and cookies, apples are used in many recipes. But did you know that they are also exceptionally healthy for your body? Besides being incredibly tasty, these crunchy fruits are loaded with nutrients. Here are some outstanding advantages of having apples regularly.

8 Impressive Health Benefits of the Wonder Fruit- Apples

How do apples help you stay healthy? 

  1. High in nutrients

Apples are full of nutrients. If you consume a medium-sized apple, your body will get 171 grams of water and 104 calories. Calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and phosphorous are the minerals present in this fruit. It also contains vitamin K, vitamin C, choline, Vitamin E, and folate. 

  1. Promote heart health

You should eat apples to strengthen your cardiovascular system. Being low in cholesterol and sodium, they lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood pressure. They also decrease your chances of getting a heart attack. 

  1. Boost brain health 

Most people are aware of apples’ positive impacts on brain health. Apples have choline, quercetin, and vitamins. They prevent deadly conditions like brain strokes, improve memory, and reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease

  1. Keep blood sugar levels in check

The glycemic index of apples is quite low. This means that despite being sweet, they don’t raise blood sugar levels. So, doctors always recommend such foods to diabetics. It is not just safe but particularly beneficial for people suffering from diabetes. In addition, it has antioxidants and B vitamins, thus keeping various diabetes-related complications at bay.

  1. Excellent for your eyes 

Apples contain vitamin A and several antioxidants like lutein, zeaxanthin, and catechins. All these together protect your eyes from oxidizing agents or free radicals that can lead to critical eye conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration. 

  1. Good for hair and skin

If you want healthy and younger-looking skin, start having apples every day. When you nourish the body from within, your skin will glow. Apples also strengthen hair and reduce hair fall. 

  1. Look after your teeth 

Very few know that they have great effects on a person’s oral health. As apples are rich in vitamin C and fiber, they enhance the health of teeth and gums by keeping away harmful bacteria. 

  1. Lower inflammation 

Inflammation can cause several diseases like high BP, pancreatic cancer, chronic cough, and asthma. So, you must find natural ways of lowering inflammation. As apples have anti-inflammatory properties, they protect you against several diseases. 

Enjoy eating apples

So, now you have even more reasons to have an apple daily. If you are bored of having raw apples, you will easily find interesting recipes on the internet. You should also include more such superfoods in your diet to boost your overall health. Visiting the best diet clinic in Gurgaon will help you plan your diet efficiently. Diet clinics have qualified and experienced dieticians who will curate a specialized diet to meet the nutritional requirements of your body.


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