Indian Diet For Gestational Diabetes

The ultimate source of tickling the taste buds and satiety, Indian food is also packed with nutritious value. From being the powerhouse of protein, vitamins, iron, and other necessary nutrients, the Indian diet can heal our gestational issues, as well. To be specific, we often indulge in binge eating without realizing the impact. Particularly, during the phase of pregnancy, women can experience complications related to gestational diabetes. Due to the blocking effect of insulin caused by the improper functioning of hormones like cortisol, estrogen, and human placental lactogen, insulin resistance increases. This results in gestational diabetes, but, the top dietitian in Gurgaon recommends an Indian diet for overcoming the risk factors for gestational diabetes. 

 However, it is essential to know how to manage a balanced blood sugar level through low-carb food options. The whole idea is to maintain your health during pregnancy to maintain the well-being of your child in the womb through the proper intake of nutritious food options. Here are some points worth considering when it comes to avoiding gestational diabetes: 

Smarter options for adding carbs without any complications 

Since it is important to track the amount of carbohydrates that you consume during pregnancy, smarter ways should be identified. From switching to brown rice, adding fiber-rich grains, veggies & legumes and the intake of Vitamin-C enriched fruits to working towards the regulation of blood sugar levels, you can enjoy the peaceful phase of pregnancy while keeping gestational diabetes at bay. 

1. Fruits: 

Satiety provided by the Vitamin-C enriched fruits will keep a check on the raised levels of blood sugar. Some of these fruits that can prevent the risk factors of gestational diabetes include green apple, guava, lemon, and orange. 

2. Grains, vegetables, and legumes

With a low glycemic index, grains, vegetables, and legumes, digestive functioning can be improved. Moreover, the signs of obesity and Type-II diabetes can be prevented. Some of these foods include oats, millet, corn, spinach, beans, lentils, etc. With the moderated use of grains, vegetables, and legumes, keep your baby’s health intact while staying healthy, yourself.  

3. Brown Rice 

Brown rice is a healthy alternative to regular rice enriched with the goodness of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. In addition, the dietitian in Gurgaon recommends the use of brown rice as it has low glycemic index than regular blood sugar levels. Adequate nutrition is also provided during pregnancy. 

Apart from the low-carb Indian diet, protein, and healthy fats should also be added to the daily food items to prevent gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

 For instance, fish, eggs, beans & lentils, avocado, and nuts should be included in the diet for a healthy lifestyle during this critical phase. If you are looking for a personalized Indian diet to be followed during pregnancy to prevent gestational diabetes, then, reach out to GoMoringa, the leading weight loss clinic. 


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